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Economy Shipping Containers – 28mm Scale MDF (4)


These 28mm scale MDF shipping containers are great for building up your terrain on a modern, pulp or scifi scenario.  The more you order the more I add to your order, bonuses start at two sets!

The containers are made in 6 parts and are designed to be glued together in the simplest way possible.  Put them together in 10 minutes, hit them with some spray paint and get on with other things.

SKU: N/A Category:


These 28mm scale MDF shipping containers are great for building up your terrain on a modern, pulp or scifi scenario.  The more you order the more I add to your order, bonuses start at two sets!

The containers are made in 6 parts and are designed to be glued together in the simplest way possible.  Put them together in 10 minutes, hit them with some spray paint and get on with other things.

These MDF shipping containers are designed to work with 28mm to 30mm miniatures and are 125mm long by 50mm wide and 50mm tall.  A great compromise between realistic scale and economy.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Number of Sets

One set of 4, Two sets of 4 with a bonus Container, Four Sets of 4 with a bonus set of 4 Containers


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